Yellow Watchman Goby

Nov 26, 2005
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Oregon USA
I read once that all the yellow ones are females and that the males had totally different coloration. This sounds totally wrong to me, plus ive only read it once. I also once read that a protein skimmer is "just a fancy term for a filter" so needless to say, I like lots of opinions on everything. Does anyone happen to know about this?
No although a protein Skimmer is like a filter it acts in a slightly different way, if youve seen the crap that a protein skimmer pulls out of the water youll know why. as for the goby AKA gold shrimp goby or even the yellow spotted blenny sometimes, from what i beleive i think theyre the same colour although i have seen different colours and been told supposedly that they are males, might be right or might just be bad info.
No although a protein Skimmer is like a filter it acts in a slightly different way, if youve seen the crap that a protein skimmer pulls out of the water youll know why. as for the goby AKA gold shrimp goby or even the yellow spotted blenny sometimes, from what i beleive i think theyre the same colour although i have seen different colours and been told supposedly that they are males, might be right or might just be bad info.

Well yeah I know what a protein skimmer is I have one. That analogy was used to explain that you cant just read something once and believe it. :)

There are pink spotted yellow watchmans but dont think that they are all the same sex.

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