Yellow Tint To Glass Catfish


New Member
May 22, 2006
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:sick: my largest of three glass catfish has a slightly yellow tint to it (like its been smoking or something!) theyve always been pretty chilled in the day but when he does come out for a peek ive noticed it.

unfortunatley because they are so shy it is hard to tell if it has always been that way (the other 2 are not tinted)

any ideas anyone?
Do you know whether you have Kryptopterus minor or Kryptopterus bicirrhis? Water stats such as nitrates, pH, temperature, etc. would help a lot. How long have you had them? Glass catfish tend to turn a milky white not the usual clear color when stressed, I have never heard of yellow. Many things could have stressed them out such as being in a trio (they really need at least 8 in a group) poor water conditions, lack of food. Have you had trouble feeding them, you probably do if they are in a community tank. By any chance could you snap a picture of it?
had then about 4 months, usually fine if very quiet. they hide in the day and do their own thing at night, feed the tank small amount in the am and larger amout about 1 and half hours after the light goes out,

3 weeks ago transferred to a larger tank but has been all quiet since.

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