Yellow Tang


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
Okay i went down to my LFS and after many hours of looking for that right fish, i found myself tempted towards a yellow tang. I spoke to a assistant and he told me it would be allright in a 4 foot, then the owner came and assured me it would be okay, this is a very respectable shop, they stock and maintain alot of tanks around here, at casinios and hotels and so forth.It also happened to be the most expensive fish in the shop and now i've started to read to a 4 foot may be to small.

He seems to be allright, I'm a little worried tho, he keeps swimming back and forth allong the back of the tank, but he's eating so i'm quite confused.
well here's a pic


I would prefer 100 gallons but if its in this ballpark figure of volume then you should be ok.
Its small now but it will get alot larger.
Its about 300 liters or so. And I know it may out grow my tank but i geus that'll take about a year or 2 at least. Also i just noticed now that the lights are off that he's got a almost black patch with a white stripe on his side, looks very cool, like a undercover SS dude.

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