Yellow Tang


Oct 3, 2006
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Canada, Quebec City
I got my first yellow tang... 48 hours ago... and I have a few queries! :hyper:
The yellow tang seems quite shy and tends 2 stay behind a few rocks in the back of the tank... I've only seen it a few times in the last 48 hours roam the tank and quickly swim back 2 his favorite rocks. Unlike my clowns that where within an hour checking everything out in there new home.

I've seen him nibble on some algae yet when i near the tank for feeding he hides behind his rocks. Tonight i will feed him some seaweed I got from the petshop.. link does all this seem correct and normal behaviour? will he probably gain confidence with time? or is this typical yellow tang behaviour? Thanks
tangs can be quite shy when initially introduced into the tank, dont forget its not just your tank hes moved into recently but ur lfs aswell, give him a few days and im sure he will come out of his shell, do you have one of the clips to weigh down green for him? get this near one of his favoirte rock in your tank out the front an this will help him along, watch how your clowns interact with him aswell they can be quite agressive to new tank members sometimes :good:

Agreed, Tangs can be very shy at first. Make sure you keep him well fed off meaty foods and algaes if you can... That'll help him along :)
yup, i got that clip, i put it in the tank... and everybody in the tank is ignoring it right now ... as for the clowns... they don't seem 2 care about the tang... but they hate the green chromis lol
My tang is now eating.. I had 2 flood the tank with baby shrimp... but once it was all around him.. and he got the taste he ate a few more... he was about 2 go for a large piece but my cleaner shrimp got it first.. and went into his hole :)
Ter :good:
glad hes eating :)

just keep an eye onhim over the next few days and im sure hell fit right in no probs :)
My tang is still shy. It's been a little over a month. Once I get close to the tank, he goes and hide. I guess they are pretty shy when there are not many fish in the tank.

What's really cool is the white band along his body. When he gets stressed out or scared, the white band gets more pronounced. In the morning and late at night he gets kinda pale, but during the day he is totally fine.
solitary tangs can be shy, usually on a reef they are surrounded by at least one or two other tangs, adding another tang can bring them out of their shell but obviously space permits, they will become more bold it just takes time :)
Ok New problem! :sick: grrr
Last night my tang didnt each much at all.. and I've noticed in order for him 2 eat.. I have 2 flood the tank with food... he wont come for food.. and whenever im near he goes 2 hide in the back of the tank... makes it sorta hard 2 spot feed.. so i have 2 flood the tank with shrimp or whatever.. and even then he only gets a few of them... cause the clowns and green chromis are all over the place....

I placed two strips of algae on each side of the tank hooded so the cleaning crew can't get at it... he didnt touch that all day or during the night....
when i woke up this morning i turned on the tank lights... he was quite white and showed ich!! i turned on my UV at that point... I'm just back from work now.. his colour is normal and no longer showing ich.. but wont eat more then before... im starting 2 worry! ideas?
are there any other symptoms to suggest illness? scratching of the body? etc?

tangs are notoriously succeptable to white spot and even have their own varient *black spot* or tangs disease.
not saying thats what it is just a bit of info.

are all your tank param's ok?
if they are all good just keep a close eye on him! hes probs been round the world, literally, in the last few weeks! i think that would even stress me a bit!

when it comes to feeding time, consider turning off your power heads so you dont get the *whirling* it may help u target feed him a little better, obviously turn them back on afterwards ;)

I really want 2 target feed him :good:
The problem is.. he is scared of me... and will try 2 hide.. so i gave up on that... I don't wanna stress him more...
second problem is the clowns and green chromis turn on the turbo whenever they see me when i feed them.
I really have 2 flood the tank with food before he will take any.... all my tank param's are fine.. i got 0 on all the board.. calcium is at 410, Kh 9
ph 8.0-8.1 I tested everything 2 days ago.. ill test again tonight... but i don't expect any change...
oh and my sea urchin has located the loaded algae clips hahaha
*update*... just tried blood worms... he ate a good bit more of that then before...
also for the second time when i put a shrimp in my tank.. my clown fish bring it strate to my anemone its awesome 2 see ill film it next time
do you know what the lfs was feeding it before you brought it home? it might just be a fussy git! :shout:
if so match then see if he takes more of that instead, glad hes eating more of something though :)
yeah.. well I asked them 2 feed him before... they gave him some baby shrimp... same stuff i have here.. just isnt interested.. but today was a better day i feel except for the ich!
Keep tryin Ter. One suggestion, feed him and then step a decent distance away from the tank. If you retreat from the tank and he comes out to eat, it might work out better ;)

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