Yellow Tail Damsels


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
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Poole/Dorset England
Hi there bought 2 yellow tale damsels about a week ago there about the size of a 10p, they were fine up until friday then one decided to pick on the other and started to take little chucks out of the other one. Are they territorial we were told by lfs that they wernt, he still seems healthy and swim the right way up is it worth getting a little square tank for him like the lfs have that goes in the upper corner of the tank, then when they stop having there tiff we can release him bank nto the wild LOL Regards Dan
We were gonna get some more tomo to see if that sorts it with the one thats been bully there are bits of his fins missing will these grow back??
how big is the tank there in?
Hi there in a juwel trigon 190 the only stock ive got in are the two yellow tails and the most vibrant flame angel ive ever seen and a clown wrasse, oh and 2 feather dusters. the flame and the other yellow tale seem to have become best buddies, but its only the yellow tail that beats the other one up.

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