Yellow Spots?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2006
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I thought this would be the best place to ask this..
First of all..i'm new to fish..but I love em. And I just started working at petsmart so i'm trying to learn all I can bout fish and everything so I can give usefull information.

Um...okay. So I have this African Cichlid and I noticed he has few yellow spots on his tail..I was woundering if this is some form of dieseas or fungas or just normal. Here's some pics..




thanks for your comments and time.

Oh yeah..and here is a pic of my Oscar..jus cause I love this fish. hehe...


Also..bout this Oscar. He got really sick for awhile..thought we would lose him. He wouldn't eat..and just floated kinda sidewase..then he was sitting on the bottom for a while. But he's perfect now..almost as if nothing happened =) Any ideas on what did happen tho?

Regarding the form of dieseas or fungas!

Have a read of this """""pinned"""""" article at the top of the post page,

egg spots

I would recommend that you read all three!
the greshakei in the picture is a male but egg spots on the tail DO NOT signal a male

you dont have the mbuna and the oscar in the same tank do you?

how often do you do water changes and what are the sizes of your tanks?'s actually not my's really more like the family tank.

yeah..they are in the same tank. They get along for the most part..sometimes chase each other around..but they're fine I guess.

The tank is 125g.

We've had it set up for prolly less than a year. And..I don't think the water has ever been changed.

How often are you supossed to change the water? And how do you change it?? you just put the fish in a different tank while you change the water? Then do you have to recycle the whole thing?

I'm new to yeah..that's why i'm here. I wanna know more...they interest me a lot.
1.) You probably won't want to keep them together sense one will prolly end up dead. I knew someone who tried this and his African actually killed his Oscar.
2.) Like every 2 weeks
3.) You get a syphon and drain like 25% into a bucket. You just stast sucking up some of the top level of gravel and getting the poo out.
OR you get a python and those connect to your sink so you can suck water out right into your sink then flip a little switch on its hose and it fills up the tank too.

Not the greatest of explanations so if you have questions don't be afraid to ask. :good:
oscars and africans are from 2 different regions, amazon river system, softer water and african lake of malawi where the water ph is harder. I'll bet some dipchit at a fish store told your folks it was ok to keep them together and never advised about water changes etc.

water changes for the bioload that oscars put out should be weekly and in a tank of that size you really only need 25% if those are the only 2 in there, if not bump it up a little.

BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and this is more important then anything right now,


since the water changes have lacking (I'm soooo being nice here arent I :sly: guys)

you can throw your fish into shock.

imagine this if you will, minerals and the like have been floating in your tank, when evaporation happens ONLY the water goes, not the minerals, salts, metals (the like) still hang about except in concentrated numbers, THEN...someone goes and dumps in a bunch of tap water to bring up the level and what are they doing????? ADDING MORE minerals so your fish are living in a kind of CRAP SOUP. you think thats good fish keeping??? IT'S NOT

so for your first 3 water changes which should start TODAY!!!!! I recomend only using the bucket method.

the python will slam too much too fast, :no: bad bad bad. grab a 5 gallon bucket from your hardware store MAKING SURE ITS CLEAN OF COURSE and take out 5 gallons of tank water, dump it on your moms plants then go to the tap and fill up the bucket, dose it with a DECHLORINATOR and let it sit to room temp, unless your really good at matching the tap temp with the tank temp.

then later this week go buy a 29 gallon and get that dam african out!!!!
Um..I don't really dad knows more.
We have the tiger oscar
the african cichlid
a knife fish (no idea what kind) he hardly comes out
and some kind of pleco.

I don't really know.

Recently i've been doing a lot of looking up fish stuff so I can learn everything I can.
<SMH> :sad:

providing the oscar and WHATEVER KNIFE FISH you have they have a huge tank they'd get along relatively well, you'd better figure out what type of knofe you have they have different needs. what a shame it is when people are left to their own devices with out proper knowledge of what fish should be kept where. I blame the

lfs first, the owner second.

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