Spiney eels are not really eels. They are elongated tropical freshwater fish of the Mastacembelidae family. These fish should be kept in larger aquariums, probably 30-50 gallons as a minimum. They should also be kept with soft substrate, preferably sand as they often bury themselves and can be easily wounded by sharper gravel. They are a scaleless fish. They are primarily carnivours and as such should be feed meaty foods. Live or frozen bloodworms, blackworms, etc are good. They are also primarily nocturnal, and it is often best to feed them at night just before or after dark. I try to feed about 5-10 minutes before lights out so I can watch mine eat, but he is much more comfortable eating in the dark. They, like most all other fish, will attempt to eat any other ish that can fit in their mouths. You shouldn't have too much trouble with predation if you keep similar sized fish with the eel. Most of these fish don't like others of their own species, but may be fine with other members of the family (ie; other "spiney" eels). It is claimed that they are "escape artists". One of my tire track eels never tried to escape and rarely left the floor of the aquarium. The second is much more adventurous and swims at all levels and can often be seen at or near the surface of my tank.