Yellow Sailfin Molly Fry, Coventry, Uk


Fish Fanatic
Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
Coventry, West Mids, England
Livestock: Yellow Sailfin Molly Fry, approx 2 weeks old
Quantity for sale: 46
Reason for Sale: Surplus stock
Delivery or Collection: Local delivery for Coventry Area, otherwise Collection.
Sales price: 50p each, £4 for 10, job lot for £15
Postage & Packaging: N/A
Location: Bulkington, Nr Coventry.


Photograph shows previous offspring from this breeding project. Current batch of fry are showing less black markings. Most are solid yellow with black eyes, though some have yellow eyes and small amounts of black on the fins and body.
Hi i would like to buy some. Please let me no your address. I am in nuneaton so not far! Thanks
Depending what i see and like lol! Ideally 15 to 20! Im free monday
winkle said:
I finish work early on monday, so any point after about 1:30pm is fine for me. I'll sort out my keepers in that case :D
Hahaha im quite easy going! How small are they? Will they be ok in main tank?
They're currently free-swimming in my 4ft tank, along with cardinal and lampeye tetras, galaxy rasboras, bristlenoses, khuli loaches, swordtails and adult sailfin mollies. It'll depend on what you've got in your main tank really, I don't have anything particuarly large-mouthed or carnivorous in mine.

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