Yellow rock Kribensis

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Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 31, 2022
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Baltimore, MD
Why are the East African Paralabidochromis sauvagei called Kribensis?
I guess that is the problem with common names vs scientific names ;)
I love that one.

A hobby kribensis isn't a kribensis. It's a pulcher. That was a mistake made 60 years ago, if not more, by an importer. The real kribensis was sold for decades as taeniatus. That was a mistake made by hobbyists because of a mistake made by an importer since there already was a kribensis and everyone knew what it was. So taeniatus is really kribensis, and a kribensis is really a pulcher, and then some importer in the 80s decided to invent the name "rock kribensis' because he thought Paralabidochromis sauvagei would be confusing for hobbyists and would hurt his sales.

English trade names sure do uncomplicate things, eh? :huh:
I love that one.

A hobby kribensis isn't a kribensis. It's a pulcher. That was a mistake made 60 years ago, if not more, by an importer. The real kribensis was sold for decades as taeniatus. That was a mistake made by hobbyists because of a mistake made by an importer since there already was a kribensis and everyone knew what it was. So taeniatus is really kribensis, and a kribensis is really a pulcher, and then some importer in the 80s decided to invent the name "rock kribensis' because he thought Paralabidochromis sauvagei would be confusing for hobbyists and would hurt his sales.

English trade names sure do uncomplicate things, eh? :huh:
Did you see Muddy Waters video yesterday on the forum of his new fry? What kind of Krib is that father? Someone said Pulcher but it is so colorful.
The female in the vid is a really nice krib, a Pelvicachromis pulcher. They can be very variable species.

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