Yellow Pleco

Sounds like an albino bristlenose pleco to me. Look like this?


(quick google image search, hes not mine,
:good: Yes thats it!!!! Now that I know the name of it I can research it, I think there really pretty.

I would like to get one, but Im not sure, since I only have a 29 gallon tank- I have heard placos get huge.

Right now all I have in my tank is shrimp and platys, and Hi fin platys. * did have swordtails , Walmart fish never live long*
bristle noses will be fine for a 29gal - they get to about 5 inches when full grown. A pair should also breed in the right surroundings too :)

common plecs, sailfins etc (see my signature) do get large so avoid them ;)

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