Hello everyone,
55 gallon Tank has been going for quite some time (years( with a large cleaning/moving about a month ago. 1/3 -1/2 water kept, the rest new tapwater. All the fish except the pleco are new, and other than some minor turf issues, and one golden wonder killie committing suicide by jumping out of the tank<no one home-POUT>
Today we were doing some basic testing, checking, and found that the PH is YELLOW less than 6. this is an older test kit, but a test on Tapwater came up a PH of 7 bluegreen, right in the middle. Unfortunately since this is an older testkit, the PH Increaser bottle is empty.... ERRRGHHHH!
is there any other way we can affect the PH, and keep things happy other than a trip to the lfs, Way across town, and dumping lots of chemicals into the tank?
Thanks for any help....
55 gallon tank
2 angelfish
2 flame gourami
2 dwarf gourami
1 turquiose severen
1 red fin shark
1 ruby shark
4 lemon tetras
1 golden wonder killie
1 Large pleco
55 gallon Tank has been going for quite some time (years( with a large cleaning/moving about a month ago. 1/3 -1/2 water kept, the rest new tapwater. All the fish except the pleco are new, and other than some minor turf issues, and one golden wonder killie committing suicide by jumping out of the tank<no one home-POUT>
Today we were doing some basic testing, checking, and found that the PH is YELLOW less than 6. this is an older test kit, but a test on Tapwater came up a PH of 7 bluegreen, right in the middle. Unfortunately since this is an older testkit, the PH Increaser bottle is empty.... ERRRGHHHH!
is there any other way we can affect the PH, and keep things happy other than a trip to the lfs, Way across town, and dumping lots of chemicals into the tank?
Thanks for any help....
55 gallon tank
2 angelfish
2 flame gourami
2 dwarf gourami
1 turquiose severen
1 red fin shark
1 ruby shark
4 lemon tetras
1 golden wonder killie
1 Large pleco