Yellow Labs

Northern Wolfie

New Member
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario Canada
hi everybody...hope all is well...ok i'm having some trouble finding info on these Yellow Labs need salt in the aquarium water?..i know they prefer a not so hard type of water..i have six of them and they seem to be doing well..and i did a water change today and went out and came home and fed them and noticed one wasn't eating..i think she may be to my i'd like to really know about this salt question...thanks in advance everyone
they are like normal tropical fish a few people come in and ask if they are brackish i'm not sure if your asking that but the difference between their water and the water of other fish is the hardness and alkalinity, salt can be used much like it is in other tropical aquariums to prevent desease and such i have also heard claims of better colors, salt can make a much healthirer aquarium for them but most people don't use it niether do I salt could get expensive and not everyone get's results sopme people recomiend it but consider that it isn't in there natural enviroment,
So there is no harm in a little bit but it really isn't nescesary
Also, do a search using their latin name, Labidochromis caeruleus. I have found that you will find more info using latin names.
Yellow labs don't need anything beyond treated tap water. They are so unbelievably hardy and versatile, it would be wasted effort to touch the water unless it is unusually soft or acidic.

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