Yellow Labs

New Boy

Fish Crazy
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
London, England
I just gave two of my male yellow labs to a local fish store as they were fighting a lot (I know african's fight but this was constant) and they kept having a go at the other fish in the tank. I thought I'd get one or two females in a few weeks. Of the three left in the tank one is definitely female (she is currently holding and nearing the end of the holding period) and now the other two labs have taken to chasing her all over the place - it's not a chase as in 'mating chase' but pretty aggressive and she already has rips on her tail.

Are these likely to be other females chasing her or males? I've tried venting before but it wasn't obvious as these labs are still quite small - one has lots of black on it the other has pretty much none, and they also chase each other a bit.

Are females less aggressive than males or was I wrongly advised?

Are these two likely to be males and would it be a good idea to give another one to the fish store so that I can have 3 females to one male?

Is she being chased because she is holding?

Please give me any advice you have

my first bit of advice ditch the parrots and the raphs as both get too big for the labs, second parrots are by nature too agressive for the labs, and the labs will be dinner for the raphs later in life. secondly get ahold of plenty of rock to form caves, ideally two caves per male, and it sounds like the two fish that you are talking about being agressive are males, just remember lots of caves lots of rock and that should calm down alot of your agressiveness they will still be agressive and chase any fish out of "their" cave but they will be a bit calmer for you.

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