Yellow Labs And Kenyii Friend Or Foe?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2006
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Hi there I have a 70gal tank with 6 Yellow labs 2" with 1 melanochromis auratus 2". Some one suggested putting in some Kenyii s. Any opinions on the compatibility of these with yellow labs.


PS I already know the auratus is too aggressive, gonna get rid of it I think.
No expert here...but I do know that my husband has 2 yellow labs, an auratus and 2 kenyis in a 75 gallon along with some demasoni's, and a couple others that I can't for the life of me remember the name. There are some squabbles occasionally, nothing serious, and it seems to just be the nature of african's. Every few weeks he rearranges the rock structures and they all have to find new "homes" so to speak which keeps everyone busy. So, I wouldn't say they aren't compatible, or that they are, it seems to be up to the fish, the home, and what type of structures they have. These guys have plenty of space..don't need to compete much for food and are gorgeous. Sooner or later they will get used to my camera and I will get better photos than I have so far!
i have 3 labs and 2 kenyi together (see sig). no big problems yet. it should be noted the kenyis are about 1/2 to 3/4 the size of the rest of the fish in the tank (including the labs) and they can hold their own in small squabbles.
I wouldn't reccommend Kenyi with labs, Kenyi are very aggressive and the males turn yellow as they mature, making them relatively similar in appearance to labs. Labs have a very mild temperament compared with most Mbuna and in my experience do not do well with highly aggressive species like Kenyi and Auratus.
Thanks for the input. I gave away the auratus and picked up some more labs and a bunch of peacocks. They look great and I think they will get along well.
Thanks for the input. I gave away the auratus and picked up some more labs and a bunch of peacocks. They look great and I think they will get along well.

Perfect combination and makes for a stunning tank :good:

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