Yellow Lab

F 1

Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
New Brunswick, Canada
I'm thinking about adding one labidochromis caeruleus to my 37 gal which currently houses 1 firemouth, a total of 9 (varying species) tiger barbs, two zebra danios and a cae.

Would you see this as completely unadvisable? pH is 8.2 with plenty of hiding places. The fake driftwood standing to the left is now laying down with one end on the pot to create another cave.


that is a very nice tank but do not mix new world and african cichlids they will fight and the require totaly different water conditions which your ph is to high for a firemouth but it wont hurt him i dont think and there diet are different and they require different tank settups. but you should consider adding angel fish or rams or other new world fish
Thanks for the advice tdins_2. Most of my research says rams like it more acidic i.e. 6.5. However, I've also learned that within reason, stable pH is equally desireable.

Have any opinions on keeping single specimens of different cichlid species together? Julies perhaps? Dwarfs in general?

i think u should get another fire mouth i like them
i think that a ph that high is really pushing it for most New World species that i can think of... maybe you should replace your fake driftwood with some real driftwood to help bring it down a little...

i would recommend one or two angels (if you get two, get them at the same time), and maybe a pair of Bolivians but only once you get the ph down a little. although, the firemouth will probably want to live in the same area of the tank as the Bolivians, so you may have some problems b/c the Firemouth is more aggressive and also, the tiger barbs may harrass an angel.
i also earlier suggested angel b/c they have so much personality and r fun to watch and r good looking

I am using peat granuals in a bag in my AC300 and that hasn't brought the pH down. It's off scale, greater than 7.6, on the test kit and it tested at 8.2 at my lfs.

my waters ph is around 8 but i have african cihlids and thas what they like so rather than adjusting my water for fish i just got fish that i didn't need to adjust the water
You can buy driftwood from the fish store, though some have more effect on the ph of the water then others.

I really don't recommend mixing Africans and New worlds, water parameters aside they have completely different behaviors and diets, and while they can live together it is tough to cator to both of their needs, and this makes it tough for them to really thrive.

The second firemouth is the best idea IMO, a pair is always more rewarding to keep then one alone, you will see spawning color and behavior that you otherwise wouldn't. It might be worth getting two more so that you have two females and a male, this way a strong pair will form and you can eventually remove the third.
Thanks again all!

It seems I should concentrate on SA chchlids if not more firemouths. I was concerned about aggressive breeding behavior toward the tiger barbs from any breeding cichlids which is why I was going with single specimens.

We'll see where the journey takes me!

Firemouths are pretty unaggressive as far cichlids go, most likely the barbs would be fine (though tehere are always exceptions with cichlids, they can be quite unpredictable).

Good luck!

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