I have a 4-year old 46 gallon bow front cychlid tank with only a few fish (2 yellow labs, 1 Red Top and until very recently 1 Red Shoulder Peacock). A couple weeks ago, the peacock showed signs of damage (scales missing). Two days passed and I found him dead trapped between stones. That same day, completely unexpected I found a very small fry hiding among the rocks. Then a second and a third fry.
Do you think the peacock was "killed" by the breeding parents? Can I assume the 2 yellow labs are the parents? And should I try to separate the 3 small fry?
Although I've had the tank for 4 years now, I'm very new to this. Any advise would be appreciated.
Do you think the peacock was "killed" by the breeding parents? Can I assume the 2 yellow labs are the parents? And should I try to separate the 3 small fry?
Although I've had the tank for 4 years now, I'm very new to this. Any advise would be appreciated.