yellow lab fry?


New Member
Jun 8, 2004
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I have a 4-year old 46 gallon bow front cychlid tank with only a few fish (2 yellow labs, 1 Red Top and until very recently 1 Red Shoulder Peacock). A couple weeks ago, the peacock showed signs of damage (scales missing). Two days passed and I found him dead trapped between stones. That same day, completely unexpected I found a very small fry hiding among the rocks. Then a second and a third fry.

Do you think the peacock was "killed" by the breeding parents? Can I assume the 2 yellow labs are the parents? And should I try to separate the 3 small fry?

Although I've had the tank for 4 years now, I'm very new to this. Any advise would be appreciated.
yes id say the breeding pair finished him off, they get real aggrissive(sp?) when they breed...

the fry should be separated if you want to keep them, or if you put a million little hiding spots for them they might be ok in that tank...

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