yellow kenyi?


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta,
i saw a photo of some kenyi(maylandia lombardoi) on the internet it had two yelllow ones and an orange one and said the yellows were females
do they turn yellow cause of stress? or is it a gene? or mislabeled?

theres a couple yellow ones in my petstore with yellow ones also in the tank-could tihis be a sure weay to determine sex or was it just coincidence(?)at the female in the picture were yellow and not the males?

thanks in advance
from what ive heard this is normal for females to be yellow and they all start blue then the females turn yeelow
No there supposed to stay blue the females,

heres a snippet from cichlidaddicts profile
Sexing and breeding: All Lombardoi are born blue with dark striping. As they mature, males take on a very nice orange, while females retain the original blue coloring. Note that it is not unusual, under certain conditions, for these fish to take on the coloring of the opposite sex, usually as a method of avoiding aggression.

EDIT->cichlidaddict left without replying :unsure: , think i have him stumped -_-

me niether, maybe he didn't see
Nope, males are certainly orange while females are certainly blue. Since these fish are capable of changing colors at any moment and do use this to their advantage to avoid aggression, there are no guarantees when you first purchase the fish, but the chances are greater that they are what they look like.

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