Yellow-finned Barb Or *clownbarbs Now*


Aug 13, 2005
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London (UK)
Good morning to you all.
I wonder if any one could give me any advice on what were labelled up in my LFS as Yellow-Finned Barbs. They were in a tank with some Clown-Barbs (which I was originally interested in). But these looked quite nice to, they had all silver bodies with all there fines being a slight yellow. I have googled and searched the forum but to no avail..
Can any one advise me on their size, temperament etc :huh:
Good morning to you all.
I wonder if any one could give me any advice on what were labelled up in my LFS as Yellow-Finned Barbs. They were in a tank with some Clown-Barbs (which I was originally interested in). But these looked quite nice to, they had all silver bodies with all there fines being a slight yellow. I have googled and searched the forum but to no avail..
Can any one advise me on their size, temperament etc :huh:
Lemon finned barbs?
Thats the Fella Wolf, going to get too big for my tank tho :/

I'm having real trouble trying to decide on my main shoaling fish for my first tank. Its 70G and I'm really kean on clown barbs but from what I have read on them (Loads of google searching) I wont be able to keep them with tetras, which I also want to colour up the tank... :S

Does anyone know why they cant be kept with smaller fish even tho they are ment to be peaceful
how about Puntius melanampyx ember barbs
they are stunning looking and won't get too big.
they are also very peaceful,
they are much better looking than Puntius everetti clown barbs IMHO
Thats the Fella Wolf, going to get too big for my tank tho :/

I'm having real trouble trying to decide on my main shoaling fish for my first tank. Its 70G and I'm really kean on clown barbs but from what I have read on them (Loads of google searching) I wont be able to keep them with tetras, which I also want to colour up the tank... :S

Does anyone know why they cant be kept with smaller fish even tho they are ment to be peaceful
I've kept clown barbs with black neons & Congos although I wouldn't trust 5" adults with normal neons. I think they are often kept in cramped conditions - people buy them for two foot tanks and they do have big mouths.
My favorite barb is P narayani;- 2" ish mid water swimmer with bright gold rear spot, orange fins and the males have a mauve overlay ( similar to male melon barbs) and plant safe -great hair algae eaters though.
Melon barbs are nice too.

How well do both of those fish shoal (Ember and narayani), as the clown barbs I've seen in my LFS shoal very close to each other.

Both seem a better option for me, nice and small but still have the "natural" look im after. If that makes sense :fun:
Ember barbs are good shoaler/schoolers too.
of course it all depends on what is available to you in your area
... and what the conditions in your tank are like. Fish school up when they feel the need to do so. In non-stressed safe conditions, they are just as likely to all go their own way and just meet up from time to time. Most barbs will school if threatened.
Well I was looking to stock the following:
7 x Barbs ( looking into Ember barbs now)
6 x Zebra Otocinclus
9 x Rummy-Nose Tetra
6 x Cardinal Tetra
1 x RTBS
2 x Bolivan Rams
1 x Dwarf gourami
5 x Some sort of cory

Im thinking the RTBS should keep the barbs on their toes (or fins) :lol:

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