Yellow Angel With Missing Eye Now Struggling!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Help, I have just noticed that my Yellow Angel has an eye missing!!!!!

Is this dangerous, was it picked? I have 3 other angel and they seem fine.........
Will he/she be in pain??

Please otherwise looks O'K............OMG...

270 Litre tank
Ph 7.2
Ammon 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5

Fishies in the tank include 4 angels, 4 gouramis, 2 flying foxes and 2 pakistani loaches..........
Tank fully cycled.........
Did the eye bulge out.
It could be the flying foxes. How big are they.
You need to issolate the sick fish and use some melafix to stop infection.

Flying Fox
Info taken from here.

Flying Fox, Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus (Bleeker, 1850)

The Flying Fox is the most colorful of this fish group. For this reason, it has gained popularity in the U.S. over Crossocheilus siamensis and "false siamensis". It comes from the flowing waters of Thailand, Sumatra and Borneo. Wholesalers sometimes deliver this species as Siamese Algae Eater in Finland. This fish is also known as Trunk Barb.

Description: Body and fin shape like two previous species. Thin specimens are often pictured in the aquarium literature. The overall color is warmer brown or even goldish and the black horizontal stripe goes from nose to the fork of the tail like on Siamese Algae Eater, but the part going through the tail fin in darker and broader. There is a narrow golden stripe over the black. Dorsal, anal and pelvic fins have indistinctive dark bands and bright white tips. It has 2 pairs of barbels. Maximum length is reported to be 15 cm (6"). No sexual differences are known.

Behavior: Same as previous species. Adult specimen is territorial and aggressive towards its own kind.

Needs: Ideal pH is near 7, temperature 24-26C (75-79F). It eats all kinds of live, prepared and plant foods. It has not been bred in captivity. Minimum tank size 80 liters (20 gallons).

Compatibility: Flying Fox can be kept in a community tank, but it might chase other fish viciously from its territory. There shouldn't be more than one adult Flying Fox in a tank.
Thanks Wilder.......

Flying foxes are small........around 3-4cm..........and very piecefull doing there own stuff..........I have had them for a week and they have just done their own thing and dont chase or hassle the other fish at all.

There was no buldge in the Angel at all..........just suddenly not sign at all of bleeding or anything.......what i can say though is that the disc of the eye maybe is pertruding 1 mm more then the eyes of the other Angels but is certainly is not bulging or swollen.

Seems ok and eats.......other fish leave it alone it seems but he has a buddy in the midnight thats at its side now an then but nothing viscious.......they seem to fall asleep together......cute really....

We have been watching them now for the past 2 days and the tank is active with the Blue Gourami's little territorial but again, no picking from what we can see.

Should it still be isolated you think?? I have a hospital canister which sits inside the main tank but water enter it from slits on the side.........once inside, the fish cannot escape unless you turn it upside down........or alternatively, I have a small bowl I could use as a temporary hospital tank..........but again, i see no infection.....seems to swim fine.........

please advice.........thanks heaps........
He could do with isolating to a hospital tank.
I would use a bacterial med if there swelling.
O'K update.............the Yellow Angel seems to be struggling now............swimming and then floating on it side.......gasping for air.........have it in the floating hospital tank which sits in my large tank........should I euthanize it???? Seems no redness etc etc..........did a 30% water change this afternoon........
Damn, lost my favourite Angel...........must have died within the last hour.......

I did the water change this afternoon (30%)..........could this have ended his life???

What to do now......should I add anything to the water....??
I lost a Flying Fox this morning.......otherwise, rest of my fish look active and healthy......

Also, stats are as follows now: Ph 7.0, Amm 0, Nit 0, Nitra 5, Hardness 70
Water temp is currently 24-25 degrees.......

I'm contemplating just waiting to see what happens over the next few weeks.....or should i be doing something else??
No it wasn't the water change the signs he was showing were signs of a dying fish.
Bless Him. R.I.P.
I would do some water changes and keep an eye on fish for aggression.
Good Luck.
Thanks Wilder,

I have 2 new Blue Gouramis that chase a little bit, particular the Golden Gourami.........but not agressive is constant chase or nipping.........
Should I monitor these or perhaps take them out and return back to the LFS??

Also, my LFS were extremely good and replaced both the Yellow Angel and Flying I have the old FF chasing the new one but again nothing sinister at this stage.... ARGHHH !! Is this normal.........??
Just keep a close eye on them and if the aggression gets worse you will have to rehome them.
Did the flying fox die aswell.
Hi Wilder, the first one did. He was very small compared to the other Flying Fox. It has been replaced by a Fox of similar size and although their was a bit of chasing, today it has lestenend so I will look at them and the Blue Gouramis as stated............hopefully they will all settle down.......

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