Yeast Based Co2


Fish Crazy
Jun 9, 2008
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Well, my last 2 silver dollars are being picked up on saturday, so I've decided to switch to a planted tank with smaller inhabitants (I've always wanted a planted tank but no matter what I planted those pesky silver dollars ate it :fish:)

I've been reading about different CO2 systems and based on the size of my tank and the number of plants that I'm planning I would say a single yeast reactor would be adequate.

I've read about different types of yeast and the concensus is that wine making yeast is best because it will work with a higher % of alcohol.

I've been looking around and I can get around 100g of yeast for £1.50 which should be enough to last about a year

My question is: Am I best to buy a nutrafin system or make my own system for a few pounds? and should I use the nutrafin sachets or my own brewers yeast and bicarb?
Hi Maximinius

How large is your tank?

It all depends on the size.

I have a 30 gallon and use one nutrafin kit with an additional 500ml pop bottle plumbed in and it works ok

I don't use the nutrafin yeast stuff - its crap. I use Allinsons yeast and mix it with sugar and water.

I have a 40 gallon.

I was thinking of making my own as I can make my own overflow in case the yeast bubbles up too much and have a shutoff for night etc.

I bought 100g of high-strength wine yeast for £2.49 inc p&p, it should be enough to last me a while :)
Make your own - its dead easy. I did write a guide on it - but it seems to have been deleted from the site : (

Just make sure you get a decent diffusor

Give me a shout if you need any help


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