Yay, tanks are cycled!!!!


Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou
Hi all!

My tanks are finally cycled!!!! Yay!!! Ammonia and nitrIte readings are at zero (for more than one day). In the 10 gallon tank, the nitrAtes are at 5ppm. That's an acceptable level for nitrAtes, correct?

A few other questions...I've noticed green algae on the back wall of the aquarium and on the PVC pipe that's in there. Today is the first day I've noticed it. I have live plants in the tank and a Pleco. The tank does not get any sunlight, only light from the hood. Is the algae a problem or can I just let it be? Will the Plec (a common Plec) take care of it, or do they only like brown algae?

It occurred to me yesterday that there is little surface agitation in my 10 gallon tank. The fish all seem to be okay, none of them seem to be unhealthy in any way. The water falling from the filter offers pretty much no agitation. Is it necessary for me to add an air stone?

Thanks everyone!

aka Lizard with cycled tanks!
Yaaay! :thumbs:
Get an algae magnet, you'll love it, unfortunately plecs aren't to thorough when it comes to cleaning glass so you'll have to do some of the work. :lol: Turning your lights off for an hour or so mid-day creates an algae gap and will really help a lot.

Plecos like water with a high oxygen content so you might want to add an airstone,but I'm sure he'll be ok either way. Have fun picking out new fish :)

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