Yay Guppy Fry Galore+question!


Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
lol yay!! A couple of days ago, my female guppy gave birth to 30+ lil fry. The total count I have now is 36-42. Just a question: how can I feed them? I was planning not to care for them and have them survive on their own. For feeding, should i put both fry food and guppy flakes or just one or another? post quickly plz
try BBS, crushed flake, and liquifry, you can feed a different type at each different feeding, or a different type a day, or just feed one of those.
no that's not the problem. Them problem of having adult guppies and a platy to feed AS WELL as the fry...sorry for not clarifying
it shouldnt matter... u could try feeding the older fish so there not so hungry and therefore not worry toomuch about the food ur putting in for the babies, but in my experience it makes no difference, livebearers wont stop eating :) so just wack sum food in and see what happens. if the fry really get no food(which they shouldnt, as scraps fall to bottom and onto ornaments and things which they can pick at) then you may want to consider a way of dividing them off until there big enough to get in umungst feed time.

to clarify: dont just feed the adult fish on baby food, they need the proper flakes :)
if you are concerned about them not getting enough food maybe just try releasing some of the flakes near the bottom of the tank when you feed the others. that will keep their food low to the ground while the biguns feed
Tetra make a rather wonderful finely crushed fry food. It would be far too small to appeal to a larger fish. It's worth it's weight in gold.

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