Yay for corys


Fish Addict
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Well little Jean luv has been seperated from the other angel. He is in the 20. So He was looking too depressed in there all by himself, So off to the lfs I went. Of course they were totally sold out of what I wanted. But they had the sweetest lil albino cories. :wub: Of course I left with 2. I couldnt just leave them. I think I have a problem. :D Anyways does anyone think that a ram or 2 could go in there. I wasnt going to use that tank anymore, but now that I have to I might as well stock it right. Its the 20 in my sig. I just wanna know if its big enough, as I havent had rams before and dont know how much open space they like ect, and would they attack the angel.
Umm a ram could fit and be fine with cories, but not the angel. Also, expect your angel to out grow the 20 g. With your angel you could add a type of tetra, weither it's black skirt, whiteskirt, diamond, congo, or bleeding heart tetra.
Another type of cichlid thats very nice and passive is the Keyhole cichlid. I own 8 in my 55 g and they're so cute and nice to the other rams. Maybe 2 of those instead???? Only problem is I've heard they can grow to 3-4 ", so you'd have to buy very few. But what you do have room for is maybe 2 more cories, they like being in groups due to their insecurity and size.
Keyholes would be nice, but I don't think your tank is big enough for them, I would get the rams, I don't think they would have a problem with the angels as they are pretty calm cichlids. I have 2 rams with my discus and I never had a problem.... :D
I think my 3 albino corys are either blind or VERY hard of seeing....

They are always running into other fish and decorations. Other than that :rolleyes: they are VERY active little guys!!!

I like em!!
VulcanNinja said:
Fiddle, it's nice to have another albino cory cat lover! I thought everyone but me thought they were ugly.
I love them too! They are some of my favourite fish. twitchy whiskers!
snowyangel said:
Umm a ram could fit and be fine with cories, but not the angel. Also, expect your angel to out grow the 20 g.
I know the angel will get bigger. Putting him in the 20 was a last resort. I bought him for the 60, but she wouldnt stop biting my big angel, The big one just wouldnt defend herself, so he will just have to live there for a while. Maybe when he is bigger she will see him as a threat, and learn to bite him back. Hes so little she just doesnt want to hurt him i think.
Corys are very cute I love the way they wiggle. Some peeps think plecs r ugly too, but I think they are adorable as well. I think I wub all fish.Im gonna do some research on the rams keyholes and tetras. Thanks for the suggestions.

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