Yay! Finally Got My C. Pygmaeus ( Not Hastatus After All.)


Sep 3, 2006
Reaction score
Ayrshire, Scotland
Been waiting ages for the lfs to get them in but persistence has paid off :D Brought home 6 of the little guys about an hour ago. I would have taken more, but they only got 6 in :(
Still... it's like xmas all over again !
I'll see if I can get a photo once they've settled in for a few days. They're small and in a heavily planted tank so it could be a challenge, lol.
Hmm... beginning to wonder if they're pygmeus rather than hastatus. Need to find some good reference pics. They seem to have developed black lines along their bodies like pygmys. They weren't evident in the shop :( Either way, still happy with my mini corys :D
They're so active zooming around the tank in a shoal :wub:
Hmm... beginning to wonder if they're pygmeus rather than hastatus. Need to find some good reference pics. They seem to have developed black lines along their bodies like pygmys. They weren't evident in the shop :( Either way, still happy with my mini corys :D
They're so active zooming around the tank in a shoal :wub:
I had the same problem with mine.I bought some on the way home from an auction at Kirkcaldy at UDA & they turned out to be Pygmaeus.
Hmm... beginning to wonder if they're pygmeus rather than hastatus. Need to find some good reference pics. They seem to have developed black lines along their bodies like pygmys. They weren't evident in the shop :( Either way, still happy with my mini corys :D
They're so active zooming around the tank in a shoal :wub:

This might help:

Corydoras pygmaeus:


Corydoras habrosus:


Corydoras hastatus:


Corydoras pygmaeus is probably the most common of the three. All great cories...

EDIT: If they are Corydoras habrosus, then you could probably tell by looking a the tail. Look for the black coloration.
Very often the trade is to blame with the names of these three species, they invariably all three are listed on exporters lists as C. hastatus.


C. pygmaeus

C. hastatus

C. habrosus
The black line is clearly visible on all of them now, they're pygmaeus. A little dissapointed since it was specifically hastatus I wanted, but I like the pygmys too so not a big deal and the price was about the same anyway :)

Any tips on what to feed them ? The tank is heavily planted and home to my Betta along with a couple of Otos and some Amano shrimp so there is not really much in the way of leftover food. The Betta is had fed, the Otos get the occasional algae pellet or bit of cucumber. The shrimp are in there to get the algae udner control.. I hope, lol.

What do you guys feed your pygmys ?
Managed to get a pic (not a great one, those guys are fast !)

So they're clearly pygmy corys. At least they must be happy since their colouration came back wihin an hour of being added to the tank.
Are they very active? I'm going to get a group of eight from trimar in the next few days :D...along with a pair of apistos!! If you dont mind me asking where did you get them from and how much were they? Never seen them for sale in scotland before.

I ordered c.hastatus through Dobbies garden center in Ayr. They got supplied with these guys. They seem pretty active, mostly swimming in the mid levels of the tank :)
how much where they ?

If your looking for some I know someone that has umm... "A lot" for sale - we've picking up 15+ in a couple of weeks time.
Selling for about £1 each (might be a bit more but not a lot ;))
They are in Derby - so closer to you than me aswell :)
Ahh sorry... missed the price part of the question. They were about £1.65 each, but the shop is overpriced for everything :D £9 for a Botia Dario anyone ? hehe.

I went back in for a look today and they were just checking the new arrivals. Seems they got some C. Habrosus in now... Grrrrr I suppose I'll have to buy those too.... lol Put my name against some of those too :wub:

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