Yay! Blue Coral Moon Platy Gives Birth


New Member
Jan 3, 2009
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Around 5pm I went to check on my 3 preg. platies and low and behold I saw 5 babies sitting on the bottom. Once I found the mom of the fry, I immediately moved her to a breeding net so she coud finish. Well so far she has had over 40 and 30 have survived. The rest are not fullyl developed and some are still in egg form. Well now I have 15 gupppies,28 Pink convicts and 30 platy fry. I will be moving mom back to the main tank in a few only to place another female in the breeding tank! The one going in next is a blue swordtail female :wub:


P.S. Moderators and user have my permission to use my photos :)
It sounds like you are getting to have quite a few fry there. Congratulations on the drops. Do you have plans yet how you will raise them all big enough to move on? Most of us don't have room for that many fry together even once.
It sounds like you are getting to have quite a few fry there. Congratulations on the drops. Do you have plans yet how you will raise them all big enough to move on? Most of us don't have room for that many fry together even once.

Thanks! As of now so I can keep a close watch on them they have been moved from the breeder net. The fry have been placed in a 5 gallon along with some other platy and guppy fry. When they get big enough not to fit in anyones mouth they will be divided up into groups and placed in each of the 3 other livebearer tanks I have going. The convict babies will go into my 55 gallon Cichlid tank once they are big enough. Yep....I have 5 tanks going and a 1 gallon hospital tank though it is not in use just yet. Now I have 3 other female platies waiting to give birth. It seems as though everytime a female is moved from the birthing tank...another female is waiting to replace her.
Wow you have agreat plan for your fish! The fry look healthy too!

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