Yawn..boring tank


Fish Addict
Mar 8, 2002
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i've always hated this tank,don't know why but i do :(
it's (by our calculation)a 35 gal hi,and i have a few gouramis and some lil tetras along w/godzuki my newt,aside from the newt this tank make me sleepy :( i am soooo bored w/it.I WANT CICHLIDS sorry for my outburst :blush:

so which peaceful cichlid/s can i keep in it w/my newt,i'm not big on angels and i think jurapari(spelling)get too big right??
so do i have any options.
you know i never thought of them :hmm:

how are they as far as personality?
are they anything like oscars?
do you think they'll leave my newt alone?

thanx for all your help

As far as personality, there in there own. Really peaceful and graceful. I've had one for years. Nice colour and finage. He's always out and about. He's really came out his shell since my rams went. I've still got a pair of breeding Kribs in with him. There nothing like an oscar but will sure as hell leave the newt alone ;)
cool thanx again.i'm running to my lfs to see if they have some :)

one more thing,will my gouramis beat it up?coz i'd be glad to give them away :grin: well except the tourqoise one i like him :love:
i don't know the sci names for them but they are called gold,honey and tourqiose gouramis.
You could also try Apisto's or shell dwellers as these usually remain small and most are relatively peaceful :D

Just remember that if you get shell dwellers you will have to supply shells for them (to dwell in lol) :p

There are some absolutely stunning small Cichlids available so my advice would be to go to your lfs and have a look ask a few questions and choose carefully :look:

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