Yasha's New Home


Fish Crazy
Jul 30, 2004
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Here are the pictures of Yasha's new home



And him thriving in his new home


Its like.. find waldo.. only you get to find Yasha, hehe

I decided instead of a 10 gallon to put him into a 2 and a half gallon :)
Can I ask where you got the name Yasha and if you pronounce it yasha as in sash or yarsha?

My friend's name is Yasha, and I had never heard of it before I met him..
Well doesn't he just look happy as can be!
I really like that gravel too! So shiny and pretty.
Suggestion... consider getting him silk/cloth plants instead of using plastic ones. Those plastic ones have some pretty sharp edges to them that can cut your bettas fins.
I think your lil fella would also benefit with some sort of cave! Just some suggestions! heh
Nice home for yasha congratulations. Its good for u yashas that they are taking care good about u.
Thanks everybody for your compliments :)

Amunet, I do appreciate your suggestions, however the tank as we speak is a work in progress.
When I went into Petsmart, I had only about 16 dollars on me and got what I could. The Necessitys.
Of course, I could have gotten a silk/cloth plant then and there, but there were other things I needed to get first.
Considering, plants are decorations and food.. is well, a necessity. Thanks for suggestions.
I'm looking into some sort of cave type deal for him as well ;)

Rhiannon, the name "Yasha" comes from Inuyasha.
My friend has a crowntail betta named Sesshomaru, and I was trying to come up with names for mine.
She thought of "Inuyasha" considering he's red, and the character in the tv program, has a red robe.
However, i'm not really as enthusiastic about the show as she. So, I went with the next best thing, yasha.

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