Y Arent My Loaches Dead?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2005
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Hey not complaining or anythin, just curious. My two tiger barbs died from overfeeding :( - the water sample went way red instead of yellow, employees had never seen it that colour b4! new experience for them. Yet the loaches still look fine (they are two chinese sucking loaches btw).

They gave some mixture that creates more good bacteria - sounded like they should work for Yakult.
After everythin had been washed and water was treated, etc. . everythin was put back in. for about the 1st 30-40 mins -ish they just were still at the bottom. We figured that was from stress of moving into a jam jar for a few mins then back :/

Yet after this they were really active! they won't stop moving up 'n' down the tank, like they've been drugged or sumthin :hyper:
any1 explain why they look so energetic all of a sudden? -_-
yeah, that's right. we go every week to test the water sample for it. the woman actually tested it twice to make sure it wasn't the container. .
A couple of questions first;

a. Do you use dechlorinator and did you wash out the filter sponges in tap water at all?
b. How much and what were you feeding your fish before the tiger barbs died?
c. What were the symtoms of the barbs before they died and have you lost any other fish or have any other fish?
d. How many gallons is the tank and how long has it been set up?
e. What did you test your water for exactly?
woah, erm
a. yes, we use the tap water treatment stuff with the 'safe water'
b. Hardly any, just a finger and thumb full of flakes, not much though yet apparently it was
c. the barbs and loaches were the only fish in there and dad noticed they werent eating much and looked like they had a 'furry' underside. after, when we were taking back the fish to show, i saw that one's tail fins looked torn and it was much larger than i had seen it b4(babies mayb?)
d. 3 gallons - small ish but plenty open space and a few plants with rocks. had only been going with fish in for about 2 weeks - ish
e. not completely sure but i think it was nitrates.
Eeeek. Well there's your problem. 3 gallons isn't suitable for a single fish you have in there. Tiger barbs should be in groups of ~ 6 or more, and since they grow to about 3 inches each, a 3gal wouldn't be suitable for one of them, definately not two or more. And your loaches, which I think I recall were Chinese Algae Eaters, need a much larger thank that 3 gallons if you want them to live. Just one is often suggested to need some 20-30 gallons (though they only get ~7-10 inches from what I've read, so maybe as the only fish in the tank, 20g would be just fine.), and really shouldn't be kept together since they will become territorial and agressive to one another as they age.
In short, your remaining fish are in dire trouble. If you can not afford a larger tank, please do what is right and return them to your LFS. They will otherwise surely die a very unfortunate death from the filthy water. No matter how often you clean them in a tank like that, they will inevitably fall ill.
Perhaps you can give a single betta, or an invertabrate, a nice home in the tank instead.
Your fish didn't die from overfeeding. They died from ammonia/nitrite poisoning; ammonia/nitrite poisoning is caused by overcrowding in an unestablished tank. Pretty much a single betta OR 3 white clouds are about the only fish you can keep in a 3 gallon.

I have to agree with RandomWiktor. Get a bigger aquarium or get a betta instead.
please rehome your chinese loches its cruel to keep them in a tank that size you could get a single male betta and an african dwarf frog that would be a nice little setup
You know how they say if there is a big nuclear war, that the cockroaches would survive?
I reckon chinese algae eaters are like that. They are pretty hardy fish!

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