Xmas Moss


Fish Herder
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
Plants: xmas moss
Quantity for sale:8 golf ball sizes portions
Delivery or Collection:
Sales price:£3 including postage
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Can I have 3 please?

Is paypal ok?
pm received and payment sent. Thanks :)
posted at 10:20 am this morning

Recieved today, thankyou :)

Haven`t got round to sorting it out yet but it all looks nice and healthy :good:
no probs,i started of with 6 strands of xmas moss,i just super glued it to my bogwood and it flourished
I'm quite interested as I have a new piece of driftwood I will be placing in my tank however I'm currently dosing Seachem Excel, is this going to be a problem and cause a melt or can I expect them to get along fine?

Also if I were to feather out this golf ball size how much do you think I could get in terms of centimetres squared?

I'm quite interested as I have a new piece of driftwood I will be placing in my tank however I'm currently dosing Seachem Excel, is this going to be a problem and cause a melt or can I expect them to get along fine?

Also if I were to feather out this golf ball size how much do you think I could get in terms of centimetres squared?


sorry mate i haven't got a clue
I'm quite interested as I have a new piece of driftwood I will be placing in my tank however I'm currently dosing Seachem Excel, is this going to be a problem and cause a melt or can I expect them to get along fine?

Also if I were to feather out this golf ball size how much do you think I could get in terms of centimetres squared?


sorry mate i haven't got a clue
would you do the remaining 3 for 8 pound? I can paypal you later today as im on my phone atmw

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