x-ray tetras


Fish Crazy
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
sf bay area
anyone know much about these? i saw some the other day and was interested in getting some possibly.
Pristella maxillaris are Gregarious and non-aggressive. Quite hardy and should be kept in groups of 5 or more; minimum aquarium size 60 cm
adults are 4.5cm and like a temp range of 24-28c

also known as Albino pristella, Pristella, Pristella tetra and X-ray fish
Just got 5 myself a week ago and they are lovely, and they do seem to be a hardy little guys.
Yup, if you've got the space for them, they are a very nice little tetra. Easy to keep, easy to feed, non-aggressive, active. Do best in soft acidic water, but that is by no means essential.

A desirable little fish.
We have 4 and are a great fish - they shoal well and joined with our shoal of 9 phantoms when they were together.

ours are quite old now (had them 18 months) and are about 3cm.
Volia :)

hm, those are not the ones i saw. they were labeled x-ray tetras at the lfs, but didn't look like those. they were transparent like the one in the photo, but were slimmer and the transparent was more of a peachy color rather than clear. the eyes were also ringed in black if that makes sense. i'll try to take a photo of one and post to see if anyone knows what they really are.

they are the albino type...i have four of these..

does anyone know how to sex these???

the males are supposed to have pointed swim bladder....but i cant tell teh difference in my 4.....maybe they are all one type

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