New Member
I recently acquired 1 pair and 4 fry of X. montezuma. Magnificent specimens. Is anyone familiar with this species and its special requirements.
Guessing from experience with other members of the genus and the collection local in Mexico, I put them into cycled 29 gallon with medium hard water, 7.6 ph and about 1 tbs. salt to every 2 gallons of water with a few Endlers.
The fry are active, but the parents are constantly hiding among the plants--reverse of what I usually see. Any help would be welcomed. Also, any ideas on how to induce breeding? I suspect that the adult male may be the only representative of his gender among my half-dozen fish, but swords sex out late, so I don't know.
Guessing from experience with other members of the genus and the collection local in Mexico, I put them into cycled 29 gallon with medium hard water, 7.6 ph and about 1 tbs. salt to every 2 gallons of water with a few Endlers.
The fry are active, but the parents are constantly hiding among the plants--reverse of what I usually see. Any help would be welcomed. Also, any ideas on how to induce breeding? I suspect that the adult male may be the only representative of his gender among my half-dozen fish, but swords sex out late, so I don't know.