OK so in my previous posts it has been well proven that I am over stocked.
I go to another marine shop today and ask for a water test..here are the results.
NO2 = 0.3
NO3 = 80
pH = 7.6
KH = 4
PO2 = 0.5
Ca = <450 (HOORAY)
A grand total of 54% via aquatest.net
The bloke enquires about our filtration and tank size (Volume: approx. 70 litres , JUWEL Filter System: Compact ) The bloke could not believe we have been so badly advised on the filtering and stock level.
Apartently the sponge Juwel internal filters just ain't supposed to be used in marine set ups.
And he now advises me that the tank is 100% unaccetptable for a marine setup.
(I got a yellow tang, 4 coral cats, two clowns, feather duster and two cleaner shrimp all the stock is feeding and nothing has died )
Apparantly this 70Lt tank is very difficult to maintain as a marine setup...
So we are going to move this tank into the kids room as a tropical set up and get a 22x22x19 inch (142 lt) tank with a protein skimmer. internal power heads and filters with a stand alone lighting system for £595.
This must be a more accetable set up..I would like to have a coral set up.
How many fish would be acceptable in this tank???
What do I do with all my current stock ???
I go to another marine shop today and ask for a water test..here are the results.
NO2 = 0.3
NO3 = 80
pH = 7.6
KH = 4
PO2 = 0.5
Ca = <450 (HOORAY)
A grand total of 54% via aquatest.net
The bloke enquires about our filtration and tank size (Volume: approx. 70 litres , JUWEL Filter System: Compact ) The bloke could not believe we have been so badly advised on the filtering and stock level.
Apartently the sponge Juwel internal filters just ain't supposed to be used in marine set ups.
And he now advises me that the tank is 100% unaccetptable for a marine setup.
(I got a yellow tang, 4 coral cats, two clowns, feather duster and two cleaner shrimp all the stock is feeding and nothing has died )
Apparantly this 70Lt tank is very difficult to maintain as a marine setup...
So we are going to move this tank into the kids room as a tropical set up and get a 22x22x19 inch (142 lt) tank with a protein skimmer. internal power heads and filters with a stand alone lighting system for £595.
This must be a more accetable set up..I would like to have a coral set up.
How many fish would be acceptable in this tank???
What do I do with all my current stock ???