

Where's Nemo :o
Dec 11, 2003
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Van BC Canada
Today, I visited petceter to get 2 african dwarf frogs for my friend and I took some time to look at the bettas n I couldnt believe my eyes. They had double rayed crowntails!!! and more unbelievably, there were like practically pure black ones! I could have sworn that they were pure black! there were also some very pretty butterfly ones..... I found this very hard to believe at first when I first saw it but I'm glad they're improving! As for the males, they keep some of the males in 1/2g bowls so I guess thats better than the cups... I really liked the lady that netted my fish for me! When I got her to net out the frogs, she accidently netted out a snail, danio of some kind and a baby chocolate gourami and she didn't charge me for those and when I got some croaking gouramis, she acutally spent a lot of time netting out the specific ones that I wanted! Also, a few days ago when I got 2 figure 8 puffers and one died, she believed me and gave me 2 extra croaking gouramis for free! I think Petcetera is slowing improving and I'm very happy with whats happening right now :D just thought that I'd share!
sounds cool Wisp. :thumbs:

how come u never got those black cts for free :hey: ?
That's great, if they really are improving. Sounds to me like they just have one good employee though. Even so, that's sure important.

I'd take back the chocolate gourami if I were you - they require very very specialized care, need others of their kind, and need a species tank. He'll probably die if you keep him. :/

Also, if they are improving, why in the world was a danio, frog, and chocolate gourami doing in the same tank? :blink:

Sorry to put a damper on things.
juliethegr8t said:
Also, if they are improving, why in the world was a danio, frog, and chocolate gourami doing in the same tank? :blink:

good point there Julie. and yeh now that i think of it, the worker might of been a trainee or something like that. :/
juliethegr8t said:
I'd take back the chocolate gourami if I were you - they require very very specialized care, need others of their kind, and need a species tank. He'll probably die if you keep him. :/


Great to hear that you local store is doing so well.....and that you got some free fish. :thumbs: Didn't get the ct's I take it? Darn you. :lol:
im sry to but in and disagree w/ everyone, but if it is a captive raised chocolate gourami it is not as specific to certain water or a species tank, i have one chcolate gourami in my community tank and hes been happy for 4 months im sure hed like it more if there were more chocolate gouramis but he was my "test" fish and when i went back they were sold out:(

thats awesome that a big pet chain is improving maybe petco an petsmart will too
slam - I agree that they are much less sensitive if they are tank raised, but we don't know if that is the case with Wisperian's. Also, just because yours has been "happy" in a community tank for 4 months doesn't mean he'll last a whole lot longer. Often they appear to be doing fine for awhile, and then slowly deteriorate. They just can't live in communities.
Well... I dont know why they were all in the same tank but I kept urging that the lady keep the gourami with her since I didn't really want it..... but she's like Oh its okay! and I just gave up and got him.. but the not so good thing is that the betta girls, they were all beaten up although they had pretty colours and all... I might go back in a day or two to rescue a few they're so cute

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