Where's Nemo :o
Today, I visited petceter to get 2 african dwarf frogs for my friend and I took some time to look at the bettas n I couldnt believe my eyes. They had double rayed crowntails!!! and more unbelievably, there were like practically pure black ones! I could have sworn that they were pure black! there were also some very pretty butterfly ones..... I found this very hard to believe at first when I first saw it but I'm glad they're improving! As for the males, they keep some of the males in 1/2g bowls so I guess thats better than the cups... I really liked the lady that netted my fish for me! When I got her to net out the frogs, she accidently netted out a snail, danio of some kind and a baby chocolate gourami and she didn't charge me for those and when I got some croaking gouramis, she acutally spent a lot of time netting out the specific ones that I wanted! Also, a few days ago when I got 2 figure 8 puffers and one died, she believed me and gave me 2 extra croaking gouramis for free! I think Petcetera is slowing improving and I'm very happy with whats happening right now just thought that I'd share!