Wow Lots Of New Fry In One Day...


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
Well it was a busy day with fry yesterday... :rolleyes: :lol:

First my blue guppy started dropping

Then i noticed the blue platy was doing her usual going up and down the side of the tank when she's due,so i trapped her,56 fry later.

Then Cory eggs started hatching,8 out of 9,plus find another cory fry in main tank...

Then found 10 more cory eggs... :rolleyes:

WOW! They are fantastic, congratulations!

The pics are really good too! what sort of camera have you got?

Thanks :)

These pics were taken with my samsung phone,has camera batteries are charging :)
What a great day :good: Your blue platy produces such large drops each time, bless her. I love a tank full of fry, they are so cute :wub:
What a great day :good: Your blue platy produces such large drops each time, bless her. I love a tank full of fry, they are so cute :wub:

I know she's such a good un,and i always know when she's due has she just swims up and down the tank repeatedly :)

Thanks by the way :)

My orange tailed guppy dropped today 15 that i found,there's still a few in the tank :rolleyes:

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