Wow Look! Another Horrable Dyeing Method!


Fish Addict
Apr 27, 2006
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I just can't understand how that is attractive? It's not even well designed :angry: I really don't see the appeal with dying fish. I know i'm not likely too because I love fish but even with an open mind I don't really see how that is attractive. :grr:
poor fish and not really 'lol' i am against died fish and i think that is horriable and even for flowers it isnt very effective
dyeing not dying. The title of this thread takes on a pretty different meaning when you mix those two up. Even though the dyeing process does cause significant dying to occur.

Re post below: yes, thread title makes much more sense now ;)
That fish looks like a child that has got into its moms make up bag, not preety at all!!
Why, when there are so many beautiful fish out there does someone feel the need to do this!
Ick! That makes me feel ill seeing that. Poor guy. I know for a fact that one would look way better without all that crap in him. :(
It is horrible that people feel the need to dye fish. Christmas is coming up soon so I'm expecting a lot of 'christmas coloured' fish coming up soon. I really do not understand why people think it's so great to buy unnatural coloured fish.

It is, however, not a new method of dyeing fish from what I can see.

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