

Fish Crazy
Feb 10, 2004
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New Bedford, MA
Was browsing the local fish place and came across a couple tanks full of java moss. I saw a label saying $1.99/LB. I thought "Wow, thats not bad". So I ask the girl working and she's like "Oh, thats $199.00.....its a real rare plant". I almost shat myself.....
damn, a lb of it.....

thats a lot of javamoss.

I bought a handfull, and it was like a buck.

FYI gold is MUCH higer then that, thats closer to silver, but still to low for that.
Rare plant?!? It's the only live plant you can even find in this town, except for Bamboo shoots, which believe it or not, do well in an aquarium and do NOT rot, though they are NOT sold as water plants....unlike the supposed water plants which are actually marsh plants that they DO sell here and those DO rot. Okay long sentence now I'm out of breath. :p Our local pet store sells Java Moss for $4 a bunch. I find it grows pretty fast...any little bit will start growing if some breaks off and the fish love it, particularly the fry, for hiding and for nibbling on. It CAN get onto filter intakes, and clog them...I am continually removing bits of it from there but otherwise it seems okay. Anyone have any problems with it?

SnowyZMom B)
i can't find any java moss around here! all i get is elodia and water wisteria
A few shops around here sell Java though I haven't yet bought any, mostly due to a lack of money, time or a place to stick the stuff.

I'm also afraid my fish will get hooked on it and be forever hyper.

go back
talk to the manager
there is no way in hell that java moss could ever be $199
that would be like stealing
$5 is expensive for java moss
java moss is like the "guppy" of plants meaning stick it under pretty much any light and it multiplies (grows) like crazy
if they have a medium light tank in the back they can chuck a chunk in it and it will keep doubling in size at an alarming rate
that girl is a doosh bag
she's probably new
they'd have to be pretty stupid to sell such a cheap plant for so much
around here we get the odd "rare" plant selling for $24

EDIT: i'm a doosh bag (supposed to be spelled douche but i was typing to fast to care :lol: )
dude, java moss is like EXTINCT around here, literally. NONE of the lfs has any of it, in fact, they dotn' have anything that floats!

*gets mad* :grr:
i just heard that java moss has ph reducing qualities similar to indian almond leaf ;)
cutecotton said:
dude, java moss is like EXTINCT around here, literally. NONE of the lfs has any of it, in fact, they dotn' have anything that floats!

*gets mad* :grr:
It's dry around Chicago too. :/

The stuff I bought a couple of monthes ago is finally starting to grow at least. :thumbs:
cometcattle said:
cutecotton said:
dude, java moss is like EXTINCT around here, literally. NONE of the lfs has any of it, in fact, they dotn' have anything that floats!

*gets mad* :grr:
It's dry around Chicago too. :/

The stuff I bought a couple of monthes ago is finally starting to grow at least. :thumbs:
yea tell me about it! all i found was some generic pooted plants that i dont' know what they are, i think amazon sword...and java fern.
I think it would take an awful lot of java moss to weigh a lb.(unless they weigh the water too). It may be that it's not all that over-priced if they just take a handful out and set it on a scale, then bag it for you with some water. Surely they want to sell the stuff, not just have it sitting in their tanks tying up their money. Go back and check it out, ask them specifically how much a handful sized portion would cost you, don't worry about a "per lb." price. If it's too much, you can always say "no thanks". ;)
I agree, Java moss is great stuff, I have it in several of my tanks. Get some if you can!
Anybody seen the java moss "balls"? (I know, I'm setting myself up here) They look different than the standard Java moss, grow, or are grown, in a round ball shape. I wasn't particularly impressed by it, but it was something different that might look really good in the right tank setting.
fishdudein said:
I think it would take an awful lot of java moss to weigh a lb.(unless they weigh the water too). It may be that it's not all that over-priced if they just take a handful out and set it on a scale, then bag it for you with some water. Surely they want to sell the stuff, not just have it sitting in their tanks tying up their money. Go back and check it out, ask them specifically how much a handful sized portion would cost you, don't worry about a "per lb." price. If it's too much, you can always say "no thanks". ;)
I agree, Java moss is great stuff, I have it in several of my tanks. Get some if you can!
Anybody seen the java moss "balls"? (I know, I'm setting myself up here) They look different than the standard Java moss, grow, or are grown, in a round ball shape. I wasn't particularly impressed by it, but it was something different that might look really good in the right tank setting.
Oh, I'm not buying it from there. I just thought the price was outrageous.

I bought about $10 worth of javamoss and have filled up about 4 10g tanks.

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