Wow Ive Got More Eggs

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2011
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Well speedy my apple snail who I thought was a male (turned out to be a girl) and speedette my male are constantly mating. On the 3rd of may they laid a very large clutch of eggs on the glass of my tank and as they were my first I decided to keep them. Well today ive come home and ive got another huge (approx 4inches x 1inch) clutch of eggs. Anyway my first lot of eggs look very dry so not sure if these are going to come to anything so dont know whether I should keep the second clutch as it is closer to the heater or not? any advice? Also any idea when I will know if the first clutch are likely to hatch is there any signs I should be looking out for?
The clutch should like dry, give it sprinkle/spray with tank water will keep the humidity up. A clutch can contain 300+ apples where are you going to house them? Adults need 2.5G per snail. I have just given 400 apples to my LFS and i still have approx 200 left over. I would advise putting the new clutch in the freezer for a couple of days then discard if you dont have the room to raise them. How old is the 1st clutch mine quickest hatched in 12days and longest 22days
my first clutch is 21 days old now. I cant put them in the freezer because my other half wont allow it i'm going into my lfs this weekend to check with them if they will take them and im on the look out for another smaller tank to house any babies until I can find them homes. Im not after money for them just like to see them going to good homes does anyone know if MA take these?
Problem with any pets is responsibilty, it far more simple to put a clutch in zipbag in the freezer and dispose of it in a humane way. Trying to raise 300+ apples will mean a decent size tank they grow fast water changes everyother day with that amount of poo, treating the water for calium as that many snails will suck it dry. I hope MA do take some but i doubt they will want more the 50 at a time and even so they will want large marble size ones which is approx 3 months old.....hope you do the right thing goodluck
I do not necessarily WANT to keep them but freezing them isnt an option my other half will not allow me to put them in the freezer is there another humane method?
I do not necessarily WANT to keep them but freezing them isnt an option my other half will not allow me to put them in the freezer is there another humane method?
Is it possible to post apple snail eggs or newly hatched babies? I would love some, happy to take the whole 4in clutch as going by past experience few will hatch/survive. Mine never seem to hatch (infertile?) and my adult apple snails keep dying after laying 3 or 4 egg clutches
Ive never posted them but if any can advise me how too Id be happy too
Put the clutch in damp kitchen towl wrap it up like roll, put in in sort of platic container to prevent crushing, if you can get hold of a 50p heat pack it will be good, pop it a jiffy bag mark as fragile hope for the best that the postie is not a moron :)

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