Would you take a look?

jams.alaskan said:
He looks like a veiltail to me and why are you worried that he is ill? From the photo he looks fine...

Blue Beaux is new to my home. I never really stared hard at him when I got him this past March after my 3 yearold red betta Rhedt died, but I have here lately and I have noticed that he looks nothing like Rhedt! He doesn't flare, he eats as if he's starving, gulping food down, and if you look really close his flippers are see thru and torn. And some of his "veil" looks curls and very dark...

I recently did a 50% water change and scrubbed the walls of the tank to wipe away algea blooms.

Rhedt died of dropsy.
well it seems to be doing alright, but yeah i do see some curling/dark fins around his tails, espiecally around his front ones. Could just be stress from the tank though? i'm not enough of an expert to tell you the cuase tho lol.

p.s. don't owrry my betta swallows food like he's starving too

best of luck with your betta :)

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