Would You Say I Am Ready To Drop?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2006
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Telford, Shrops. UK
Hey al wanting to put my platty into a breading trap so as i can keep track of the babies. What are your thoughts on that? And secondly i have no idea when the big day is coming, perhaps you can help. Here is a few pics of her, what signs should i be looking for?


Edit - Glass cats looking nice too. :p


Thanks in advance
Breeding nets can be stressful on the mother fish and can make them abort or have birthing difficulties. It's not something you want to mess the timing up on, because keeping them in there for more then 2-3 days is not going to be good. Unfortunatly, it's very hard for one of us to look at your fish and determine dropping time. Some fish get very fat, some don't. Some will get a dark gravid spot, some will have a lighter one. It comes down to you knowing your fish, basically. For the first few times, until you get to know what she looks like right before she drops, I'd let her give birth in the tank and move the babies into the breeder net to save them. If you add some floating plants into the tank, the babies will have a much greater chance of survival. :)

She also doesn't look entirely well in that her back is arched. Did you buy her like that, or did she develop it with pregnancy? If you bought her like that, is she showing any other unusual symptoms?
it could be any minuet now or it could be in a week or so it just
depends how pregnant she is.
good luck
She has developed that spine curve during this pregnancy. Its the first time that i have noticed any fish ready to give birth so i am not really sure what to expect from her. Thanks anyways
Yeah your fish is def. ready to drop! Enjoy the babies! My swordtail just had a batch of 24 or so babies and I just love them!

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