Would you put a male betta with these fish?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2004
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Would I be safe to put one of my male bettas in the tank with the rest of the fish? My only concern at this point would be the rosy barbs. They are pretty hyper and sometimes chase each other and to me it looks mean. I haven't seen them do it to any other fish, just the barbs. I'd love to get him in the 55 gallon, but I don't want to stress him out either :blink:
I'll be adding either more neon tetras or cardinals, rainbow fish, maybe some phantom tetras and possibly an angelfish (still trying to figure out a nice "centerpiece" fish for the tank)
I wouldn't.

Not only are most the fish in that tank only "probably" not going to bother the betta, but I think 55g may be too much for a betta. I don't think he'd be very comfortable in a tank that size.

Edit: If you really want to see one of your bettas in a community tank, maybe you could build a 20g long around him.

calm, but sturdy schoolers like harlequin rasboras
cherry barbs

You kinda have to plan for a betta in a community tank, IMO.
bettas like to attack neons.. i know that... it would probably also attack the angelfish... and anything else bright... maybe even the rams... the tank is big tho.... i dont know... maybe try it... and have a place for him to go if it doesnt work out?
I had to remove a betta from my ten gallon tank,he just didn't like it. He swam endlessly,I never saw him stop. Nothing bothered him,he just acted really 'nervous'. He's in a gallon bowl now,and he couldn't be happier. The whole top of the bowl is covered in a bubble nest.

I just wanted to add to what modernhamlet said. Some bettas like loads of space,some don't. I think 55g for a betta might be a tad much,too.

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