Would you please identify these spots on my fish's head?


New Member
May 25, 2024
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Today when i was feeding my fish i noticed these spots on my fish's head so i got worried but didnt find anything similar to that on the internet(found something called red spots disease but doesnt really seem like it)
I have a mystery snail thats quite big.could it be caused by it falling on the fish's head and scarring him?or is it something infectious or did i hurt him in the process of water change(i've had him for 3 years now and this is the first time happening)
EDIT:this seems like an abrasion to me(if it can even happen to a fish)
The picture as it seems i cannot upload the picture on this site
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There’s no picture
IM sorry i thought i've attached the picture to the post.i will attach the picture to this reply
EDIT:If the attachment didnt work either there's a link to the picture in the post
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still no picture. You need to click the "Insert Image" icon to upload pictures.
Or use the "attach files" at the bottom of the reply box. Click on attach files, search for the image you want and click 'open'. Clipboard02.jpg

That will then show at the bottom, click insert then decide if you want thumb nail (small) or full image (large) and click your choice


I tried that too but unfortunately it didnt work either(in samsung internet browser at least) i've uploaded a link to the picture in the original post
It might be but as the article suggests it starts with pale holes but this is more like purple dots and as i pointed out in the original post its kinda similar to what abrasion does to our skins at least to my eyes and its superficial i think
probably just colouration. monitor it and post new pictures if it gets worse. if the fish is eating and swimming normally it's most likely colour.
probably just colouration. monitor it and post new pictures if it gets worse. if the fish is eating and swimming normally it's most likely colour.
Yeah he has no problem in swimming and eats as usual.i will update you on the situation thank you very much

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