Would vauming twice in one day....


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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My oscar tank still has whiteish water. Actually under close inspection you'd swear it was dust in the wind. I've been doing a 1gallon water change about 4-5 times a week since it happened about a week and a half ago. Today I bought a vacum that actually fits that tank. I vacumed once but there is still more stuff to get. Would it be bad to do it twice in a dayor should I just wait till tomorrow?

The water itself tests fine 0 ammonia 0 nitrite 40 Nitrate. My oscar is the typical drama queen oscar you do anything to the water it'll lay on its side like you're killing it. 1 min after you walk out of the room you can peek in on it and its swimming around fins all spread out so it's hard to judge if its too stressful by my fishes reaction. He'll sometimes lay on the bottom gasping if I stare at him too long. The moment I turn my back its back to normal.

So any opinions?
If you say there is still more stuff to siphon out of the gravel,I would do it. If you leave it there it will just make your water worse. I'd do it once more,and change a little of the water daily until the cloudiness clears up. I believe a bacterial bloom is the cause if white cloudy water.
HeatherSweetness said:
If you say there is still more stuff to siphon out of the gravel,I would do it. If you leave it there it will just make your water worse. I'd do it once more,and change a little of the water daily until the cloudiness clears up. I believe a bacterial bloom is the cause if white cloudy water.
In that case they're doing their job. I just would like them to politely confine themselves to the filter :lol:
Oscars are by reputation wonderful but dirty fish. It's good to regularly siphon with them, especially removing any uneaten remains of feeder fish.

It sounds like you're doing a good job cleaning, and your oscar should get an Oscar of its own :p
But seriously you might want to figure out why you're having the bacterial bloom. Unless you're cycling, it's usually not good to get one of those.

noelberg said:
Oscars are by reputation wonderful but dirty fish. It's good to regularly siphon with them, especially removing any uneaten remains of feeder fish.

It sounds like you're doing a good job cleaning, and your oscar should get an Oscar of its own :p
But seriously you might want to figure out why you're having the bacterial bloom. Unless you're cycling, it's usually not good to get one of those.

I'm reasonably sure it is because of a pleco and a little oscar sharing a 5g hex(temporary) and there was an excess of debris on the bottom of the tank. the water chemistry was good but it apparently needed a LOT of bacteria to maintain 0 ammonia.
Ok now that I see it was the 5g i get it. Small tanks have a way of getting nice little spikes/blooms like that. I bet you can't wait to get those fish into the big tank!
The oscar lying on it's side thing is normal, Oscars are funny like that, he's just annoyed with you. Once fish are used to the procedures they don't get stressed from them, especially cichlids, which learn very quickly.
sky ....what sort of filter have you got on the oscar tank? My loach tank had that sort of problem so added a powerhead and increased the water circulation and tank filtration and the water's now as clear as......it's really made a huge difference


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