Would Tiger Barbs Work Well Here?


Fish Addict
Feb 16, 2011
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Would Tiger Barbs work well in this setup?

1 Large Balloon Molly
1 Guppy
1 Sailfin Molly
10 Neon Tetras
2 Plecs
5 Rhombo Barbs
1 Dwarf Gourami
8 Bleeding Blue Tetras
10 Leopard Danios

Tank is 300 litre and planted
I wouldn't put tigers in there; the mollies, guppy, gourami and the rhombo barbs would almost certainly not be happy. Why don't you increase your shoal of rhombos? they'd do much better, and look much better, in a much bigger shoal?

In fact, with the space you have, you could increase all your shoals; they'd all look better for it.
I wouldn't put tigers in there; the mollies, guppy, gourami and the rhombo barbs would almost certainly not be happy. Why don't you increase your shoal of rhombos? they'd do much better, and look much better, in a much bigger shoal?

In fact, with the space you have, you could increase all your shoals; they'd all look better for it.

Ahh okay, what numbers would you recomend to increase by?

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