Would Threadfin Rainbows Work In This Community?


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2009
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I’m looking into a second schooler for my 40 gallon breeder sometime in the future, and am wondering if Threadfin Rainbows would work. I’ve heard Threadfins are more timid and shy than other Rainbows and so need very peaceful, placid tank mates and am wondering if my fish would qualify or not.

7 Harlequin Rasboras
1 Bolivian Ram
2 female Honey Sunset Gourami
1 Longfin Albino Bristlenose Pleco
A few Mystery Snails (I plan to have around 2-4 when I get the second school)
4 Amano Shrimp
7 Corydoras (Aeneus and False Julii)
Possibly male Platies, although I think I may not have the Platies in this tank by the time I get my second schooling fish in here

I’ve kept Praecox Rainbows before, but that’s the only type of Rainbow I’ve had. I liked those, but think they may be a bit too large and active for the comfort of my Honey Gourami. How's the activity level of Threadfins compared to Praecox Rainbows?

The tank is a 40 gallon breeder that’s already been set up for a couple years. It has driftwood (boiled so it won’t release tannins) and sandstone rocks as hardscape, is fairly densely planted with mostly fake plants but some live ones interspersed, with floating plants to dim the lighting and a smooth sand substrate. There’s an open area for swimming up front. It has two filters adjusted to produce low current, a temperature of 75 degrees, the pH is 7.4 pH, and the hardness is 10 dGH.
This species, Iriatherina werneri, is confined to two populations, one in Western New Guinea and the other in Northern Australia (Allen, 1980). It occurs in slow-flowing or still streams, lagoons, ditches and swamps, in areas of heavy aquatic vegetation including floating plants. Your water parameters are good (pH cold be lower, but the GH is OK), and the current fish should not be problematic though perhaps the Harlequins might be a bit active. [I agree with removing the platies.]

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