Would this work?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 21, 2002
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I have a tank 36x18x12, (25 gallon?)
If I got a ten gallon tank for all the fry, would I be able to remove a third of the water from the main tank and use it to fill the second tank, and put the fry in as soon as the temp was correct? Would it be considered 'cycled'?
Would one of those corner filters be o.k. to put in the second tank? :/
The breeding net inside the main tank is getting a bit overcrowded as there are about sixty fry in there now :crazy:
Don't ya just love 'live bearers'?
yeah that would probably work, just make sure you test your water for anything

and ensure that your water isnt cloudy
also take a handful of gravel and put it in the 10 gallon, to esure stable bacteria levels
I can't see too much of a problem with it personally, as you'll have all the beneficial bacteria, the only thing will be you won't have a filter in the ten gallon with its beneficial bacteria, will you ?
You'll also need to re-fill your main tank obviously, but that will be fine, just make sure your heaters working ok and add a dechlorinator !!!

The only reason I wouldn't transfer a third of the water across would be if your main tank had a disease of some sort.

Grant :)
kittyuk said:
The breeding net inside the main tank is getting a bit overcrowded as there are about sixty fry in there now :crazy:
lol I warned ya they would mostly survive even if in the main tank :) :)

60 goodness and I bet some of the moms haven given birth yet either? Definately need a new tank. Fry are very suceptable to water changes and water quality so if I was you... I would use the 25 gallon tank filter on the 10 gallon tank and get a new filter for the 25 gallon this way you'll move over a lot of the good bacteria. Most filters have an adjustment - you have a fluval ? - and you can turn down the power. Also of interest perhaps if you like the fry put a nylon tight over the input grill of the filter to prevent too many babies getting sucked it, I found that I always lost a few that way but most were too smart. 8) . If you can't or don't want to move over a the 25gallon filter then move over as much as 1/2 your original tank water and several handfuls of gravel to try and get the fry tank stabilised. Good luck! :thumbs:
A suggestion for the future...

Get a small air powered sponge filter. Place it in your main tank for a week or so, then use that in your 10 gallon fry tank.

These are the best filtersIMO for fry tanks. No worries of fry being sucked into it and their the best for biological filtration.

Here is another thing that works...

In the corner filter place the gravel from your 25 in that and some filter floss. This is the way I do it in all my box/corner filters.

If any one should doubt this...simply go to yhe pics forum and look at the pic of my severums....nothing filtering that 90 gallon but 4 box filters set up in this fashion.

Good luck with the fry...

Thats a whole bunch better than my idea. Nice one CM :) :) :thumbs:
Yes, sixty fry :crazy:
The green mollie I just got had babies last night!
I think the first four fry I originally found swimming in the tank are guppies, they are a lot smaller than the mollie fry.

Went for the ten gallon fry tank today......came home with a 30x15x12 :blink:

It has a corner filter unit with a sponge in (not used to these, only undergravel ones!)
Set the tank up and when the water had settled and warmed up, put five of the mollie fry in. Three of them went straight up the filter, lol. Thanks for the tights tip, William :)
Nooooooo, only got a small front room :crazy: and my daughter said she'd buy me my own aquarium for my birthday in March.......and we have two dogs and three cats :hyper: help!

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