Would This Work?

would the tank look bit empty?

aaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh still cant decide on a single male or froup of females!!!!!!!!
no, unless you wanted to put the male in those 'tank barrack' type things... I've never tried using one, just because it looks sort of small. ^_^
you could plant the tank up with real plants, I have a 60 litre tank (hex tank) that is fully planted with a few neons, 2 otos & a male VT (Star) it doesn't look bare at all and the betta loves it.
In tank such as yours I really wouldn't mix a male & female, it can be done BUT only if the tank is large enough (+100litres) with plenty of planting for everyone to hide and set up their own territories. It's not just the males who can be nasty the females are complete monsters when they want to be!!

Hex tank (excuse the bad pic this was taken before it was tidied)

And Star
I think you should go w/ a sorority tank. It sounds like you want to see a bunch of fishies happily swimming around :D
I would say that while it "might" be possible to put a male and female together, it's exessively dangerous. I know my girl Uta can kill my male Sori with great ease. She's not weighted down by a tail, she's very fast and muscley, she's highly territiroial (I think she killed a couple of my cories), and she's twice his size.

I had a 10 gallon that I went through the same waffley decision making your going through. I wound up putting 1 female betta in there with 1 otto and 3 ADFs. At the time, my female wasn't quite territorial yet, but she did eventually begin to attack my frogs. However, during the 3 months I had that setup, I found it to be quite peaceful and interesting. It was densely planted, very nook-ish, and stable.

I thought briefly of making it a sorority tank as well, but after many google and fourm searches, decided that I didn't want to go through the stress of trying to find a mix of females who won't cause each other undue injury.

Some people really like active, active, active! tanks. I find those tanks sort of dizzying to some degree. I enjoy having a focal point, so for me, the 1 betta solution was best.

Just decide on what you find aestheticallyl pleasing, figure on the risks, and fly with it. :)
i never knew bettas were so aggressive. im very glad that i came on here for research before i make a purchase.

i like the idea of a single male but just think that may look a little bare. although i think if i plant the tank up then it wont look so empty.

cheers for your help i have found so many nice friendly people that give great advice! even if i do ask over again!
If I were going to keep a single male in that size tank, I'd add a school of white cloud mountain minnows. You'd have them always swimming around, and it would add a lot of action to the tank. They're very hardy and aren't fin nippers (stay away from tetras unless you have a backup plan). :)

But that said, my new sorority tank is sooo much fun to watch... just get 5 or 6 girls from the same spawn that are used to living together, and make sure there are lots of hiding places, and they should be fine... if one acts up, though, you've got to have a spare tank to put her in.

Either way, I'm sure you'll love your new tank, no matter what you put in there... bettas are great. ^_^
cheers going to have a look at lfs shop tomorrow. tank not cycled yet but they willl reserve fish fore me

il post pics when i get them.

cheers for your help!


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