Would This Tank Be Ok For Seahorses


New Member
May 21, 2006
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west sussex, uk
Hi, Just saw this tank in my local aquatic shop. it is 3 f long x 2 f high x 18 inches wide. its 340L not sure what this is in uk gallons, about 55?.
The tank comes with sump, weir, cabinet and has an open hood. The price is £579.99.
Do you think this would be suitable for seahorses or a bit to big.
As im going to have work done around the house thought it best to wait till most of it is done before i venture into seahorses.
Hi, Just saw this tank in my local aquatic shop. it is 3 f long x 2 f high x 18 inches wide. its 340L not sure what this is in uk gallons, about 55?.
The tank comes with sump, weir, cabinet and has an open hood. The price is £579.99.
Do you think this would be suitable for seahorses or a bit to big.
As im going to have work done around the house thought it best to wait till most of it is done before i venture into seahorses.

That is way to big for seahorses. They need limited space. Filtration wise they really need no strong flow into the tank becasue they are slow swimmers. My seahorses are kept in a small tank with a yellow pipe fish, 2 internal filters one which has polyfilter in there to subsitute a skimmer, and they are very happy. They have dead gorgonia to hang on to colurpa and fed regular.

You may as well use this tank for bigger fish. However, if using a small tank, it would be better if you had another big marine tank to filter from to keep the S.horse tank under the correct perimeters. So do water changes useing the big tank other wise your stuffed as a marine tank that small will collapse.

However, some people may disagree, but i am just giving you info from my experiences.

Take care

Hi Hippocampus and Chac,
Thank you for your replies. Your advice has been most helpful.
I did wonder if it was to big, the tank i have at the moment is a seabray it is 53cm x 53cm x 46cm tall, would this be tall enough for a pair of single sex horses?
If not i will keep on looking for a tall tank.
Thanks again for your help.

I think a big tank with seahorses and macroalgae and vascular plants would be hot! The larger volume would make the water more stable and when they start breeding, you will be able to keep all the babies!

Wouldn't a tank with a few generations of fish you raised be cool?

I have mine in a 75 gallon and frequently wish it was bigger....I love a planted lagoon!

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