Would This Food Be Ok For My Cory Fry.....


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi ive just had around 100 cory eggs, and was wondering since i haven't got any liquifry could i use this its tetramin baby powder food?

if i poured some in a cup of water and used a serringe to feed the cory with would it be ok?
obviously with no needle lol :lol:
could i raise them up on this powder food for a few weeks and then turn to flakes or brineshrimp?

thnx in advance
hi ive just had around 100 cory eggs, and was wondering since i haven't got any liquifry could i use this its tetramin baby powder food?

if i poured some in a cup of water and used a serringe to feed the cory with would it be ok?
obviously with no needle lol :lol:
could i raise them up on this powder food for a few weeks and then turn to flakes or brineshrimp?

thnx in advance

That probably be alright at first. After 1-2 days on that stuff, they need to be feed something with a lot more nutrition. The best thing is microworms because they can stay in the water a lot longer and they will make the cories grow much faster and stronger. That powder stuff is extremely messy and will mess up your water quickly. I started mine on microworms at day 3 along with crushed flake food. Some people have used BBS with success too. You have to make sure you remove all the uneatened food before it spoils in the water.
ok thnx barracuda, how will i grow my own microworms foir them?
ok thnx barracuda, how will i grow my own microworms foir them?

You need a culture. You can buy them online and they are not very expensive. Most of them come with directions on what to do. It takes about a week to get it started, so you need to think about what you will do between now and then. What kind of cory eggs are they?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just saw your other post. Thats a lot of albino cories, what are you plans for them?
ive only got 3 albino corys, 1 male, 2 female, after the batch of eggs ive just had the other female is ready to lay she gone really fat like my other 1 did before she layed, the eggs should hatch tomorrow or day after.
i just read up on the internet that if you get a piece of banana skin and put it in a warm glass of water next to a window that gets lots of light you should start to see microworms growing within 3-4 days, is this right?
I dont know about the banana skin thing but I'll give it a try.
Isolated my only pair of bronzes today to see if I get a spawn, never done it before so wish me luck
hi guppy man,thats infusoria your thinking of and not microworms(its a really old fashioned fish keeping thing).apparently you can feed infusoria to fry but theres alot of debate on the internet as to whether you should feed it to the fish when the water is cloudy (after about 3 days) or whether its when it goes clear (after about a week).iv read up on it several times on the internet and about 50% of the sites i read say that when the water gets cloudy its the bad bacteria (that the infusoria eat) thats causing it & when it goes clear the infusoria have eaten it & are ready to be fed to the fish.the other 50% said that you feed to the fish when its cloudy & if it goes clear then theres no infusoria left.

if im honest i decided not to try it as i didnt want to run the risk of introducing harmful bacteria to the fry or feeding them nothing but water,lol.theres loads on the internet about it,just google it.

i bought my microworm starter culture off ebay,think it cost me £2:50 inc p&p.i paid by postal order & i received my culture with in 2 days of postng my payment.once youv got a culture you can make new ones so youl have a supply of microworms for as long as you want.def worth the money & the fry love & thrive on them.its also never to late to start a culture to feed your fry.i fed mine on powdered food the first 2 weeks til i got a microworm culture & it was ready to use.less cleaning in the tank needed aswel!!!

shaz :)
I know this seems like a silly question: Can you still feed adult fish with Microworms? Or for that matter any other "fry foods"?
well most of the eggs are hatched lost a few due to fungi :/ , when should i feed them, should i feed them tonight or tomorow? or day after?
thnx :)
Everyone I now that breeds corys feeds bbs. The biggest problem with feeding fry food to more mature fish is too much nutrition. Look at the back of fry food & compare the fat & protein percentage to that of adult food. Many times adults wil get bloated and/or constipated from a diet that is too rich. They need more roughage to keep their system running smoothly, fry need that additional fat & protein for growth.
it must be 3 weeks now and all i have been feeding them is some daphnia and powder food, they are muuuuch bigger, today i popped in half a algae wafer and they are all over it lol, heres some pics :D



will be buying a complete minibow setup for £25 for them to grow up in, i think its a 5gal :)

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