Would This Betta Be Considered Marble?


I'm a girl.
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
Orlando, FL, USA
I was searching Aquabid and I came across this betta and I was looking at the markings and the red didn't seem very uniform... Is it a marbling pattern? Redloss? I don't really know much about identifying the markings, but I would like to know ya'lls opinion.

Ok, I'm no expert and I could totally be wrong..but I think it might be red wash instead of marble. Like the red is sort of bleeding through the other color layers. The genetics stuff gets me every time so I'm probably way off base, but thought I'd give my opinion any how.
He sure is a pretty fella, anyhow :drool:
I was wondering if bettas even came in those types of colors!

He's beautiful, but not the most fantastically colored betta I've ever seen, for sure.. I think the prettiest betta I ever saw would be one called 'Eclipse', but I forget where I saw it. Oh my, the colors. :drool:
I know what a marble is, but I was looking at this guy and was wondering if the red was a marbling pattern or not.

Thank you for your responces!
If you go by the IBC, (the International Betta Congress - Usually the standard in betta genetics and colors the it is considered a Marble. A marble is any fish that has more then one color that IS NOT in a patteren. If this fish had a better pattern then it would fall under that class. And a marble should have even % of colors in a random pattern. Example: 50% black, 50% white on both the body and fins in a random pattern. Think marble countertops as a good comparison. Also to add to the confusion are the Grizzled bettas, but thats a whole nother topic. The IBC would call this a Marble betta. But you can call it whatever you want really.

I wouldn't call that marble at all.

then what?

I know what a marble is, but I was looking at this guy and was wondering if the red was a marbling pattern or not.

Thank you for your responces!

Saying its a marbling pattern is kind of an oxymoron. All marbles will change color if that what you are asking, just depends on if the fish is still growing or not. If this is a pattern, then it is a really "sloppy" pattern.
Saying its a marbling pattern is kind of an oxymoron. All marbles will change color if that what you are asking, just depends on if the fish is still growing or not. If this is a pattern, then it is a really "sloppy" pattern.
Ah, I didn't see the oxymoron in that statement before you pointed that out. I really didn't mean it in a sense of a true pattern, I just meant is it marbling or just a red wash. I know that marbles change colors throughout their life, lisie's post is good enough evidence of that. I just choose the wrong word to describe the marbling coloration.

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