Would This Be Suitable For Looking At The Tank During The Night?

Flashing RED LED's really aren't suitable!! :crazy: Remember marine animals aren't used to red light as it is all filtered out by the seawater. Get some non flashing blue LEDs meant for aquariums :good: It's a lovely effect, as the powerheads are rippling the surface the light gets broken up and it makes that rippling effect that moonlight would do, very pretty :fun:
I believe the theory is that they do not see the red light and therefore it doesn't bother them at all.

Also that torch doesn't have to flash...
a few low output white LED's along the length of the tank is a better option, as said before it creates a really nice effect and doesn't bother the fish at all......well it doesn't bother mine :hyper:
Red light is better than blue light for observing nocturnal marine fish.

A number of books state that cryptic fish can be observed utilising a red flashlight with the entire room dark.

You are correct that as very little (if any) red light is found in water beyond a few metres depth, the fish are not very sensitive to that light. by contrast, the fish are very used to the blue light so leaving moonlights on all night is possibly going to cause dtreiment to the fish.
The Blue Planet.
In the deep the Shrimp and others are Colured VERY bright red.
They say the fish cannot see this light in the deap.
On a reef in shallows, i think it would affect them.
Not sure. But fish in the deap cannot see
so leaving moonlights on all night is possibly going to cause dtreiment to the fish.

Is that true? Surely moonlight is on all night in the wild?

I'd like to know as mine is left on all night and I don't want to cause stress to the fish.

Yes, how can it affect them apart from encourage night time behaviour?
Because lights bright enough for us to see the fish from the side of the tank are often far brighter than the amount of light the moon reflects into the tank.

This would be particularly so of blue moonlights which will be emitting light closer to the range the fish are better at seeing.

Tunze supply a moonlight for use with the larger wavecontroller box and it controls the phases. For full moon it has one LED, and judging by the age of it, the LED is likely to be about 3W. The Tunze kits are aimed at tanks in the 100gallons+ range. I don't know of many people who only use a single LED on a 100 gallon tank.

If you want to encourage night time behaviour, have the tank and room it is in dark. If you really want to see true night time behaviour, use a red flashlight as it will not disturb the fish.

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